The term Time Management is a misleading term. We cannot manage time; we manage the events in our lives in relation to time. Managing time depends on the aptitudes learned through self-analysis, planning, evaluation, and self-control. Like money, time is valuable and limited. It must be protected, used wisely, and budgeted. People who practice good time management techniques often find
productivity, get more things done, feel less stressed and can do the things they want.

Learn how to spend your time. How do you use your time? Are you keeping a time log? Let me share with you how I spend my time. I start by recording what I am doing for 15-minute intervals for a week or two. Evaluating results if I have done what was needed. Determining which of the tasks require the most time and the time of day when I am most productive. Where were most of my time spend? Is it in my job, family personal, recreation, etc.? To determine my course of action, I identify the most time-consuming tasks and define whether I am investing my time in the most essential activities.

To be more realistic in planning and estimating for routine tasks and how much time available for the task, a good sense of the amount of time is required. Perhaps the task seems overwhelming or unpleasant, stop procrastinating. To avoid this, I break down the task into smaller segments that require less time commitment and gives specific and realistic deadlines.

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